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Event 101: 3 Essentials for Event Venue Selection


The standard convention layout is changing—and event planning agencies are looking for venues that provide experiences beyond the event itself. Aside from budget, number of attendees, and the type of event, there’s a lot to think about.

To help you break through the crowd and ensure your guests have nothing to complain about, here are three essentials to consider when selecting a venue:

  1. Flexible space - The demands of your guests are going to vary, and you can only anticipate so much. However, at the basic level, all event spaces should have areas that provide privacy, places to comfortably network prior to the event, and depending on the industry, spaces to work. This means if your guests need to check their emails or social media during the event, you will need to consider having Wifi readily available too.

  2. Connectivity with the destination - Remember: it’s also about the experience beyond the event and beyond the venue. If your host destination has something special or unique to offer, incorporate it into the event somehow. Food is the easiest, but be creative! Music, art, activities - the world is your oyster. Providing a list of pre and post-convention activities is always appreciated too.

  3. Location - On the topic of cool destinations, location is everything. Choosing a convenient location—something that differs between events - can really help leave a good impression on your guests. If many attendees are from out of town (or the state), choose a venue close to places that will accommodate them for the night. Consider parking too.

On top of the content of the event, making everything seamless and convenient for your attendees is key to ensuring your success. If this means putting up a few extra 8x11 signs to point them in the direction of the check-in area, do it. It can also give you a get-out-of-jail-free card if other aspects of your event don’t work out according to plan.

For more venue tips, check this article out.


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